
This blog follows my journey from NYC to Seattle through the woods and over the mountains to the west coast I go!

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Monday, August 22, 2016

Spider Party

Apparently a giant spider lives on my deck because last night I saw it fly up into the roof. It was like the one I killed in my bedroom the other night.

This am there was a baby spider on my deck table. I used the spider spray on it. Probably overkill. But the baby spider scares me because there might be hundreds more. There looks like some kind of web nest in the tree next to my deck; this makes me very nervous. 

Total Death toll: 3. 

I'm sitting in Starbucks doing work and a few minutes ago a small black spider was crawling on my purse. Did it follow me here? 

I've been spraying my bedroom carpet with eucalyptus oil every night. No spiders in there so far. 

I read up on plants that repel spiders and I almost bought a lavender plant, but those things need like 8 hours of sun every day, which is a challenge outside of the summer here in the PNW. Home Depot didn't have any mint plants. 

Those electronic devices that are supposed to repel insects might be next on my warfare list. Are they a total scam? Some of the reviews for them on Amazon didn't seem too legit. So I'm not sure. 

Is spider control one of those pest things you can ask your management office to handle without sounding like a crazy person? 

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