
This blog follows my journey from NYC to Seattle through the woods and over the mountains to the west coast I go!

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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Freezing Fog

I encountered a weather phenomenon called freezing fog while driving to and from Portland this weekend. It was like a big cloud that turned everything white.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Mt Hood

Went for a hike in Mt Tabor Park in Portland. At the top is a nice view of the snowy Mt Hood

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

New Weather Alert

Air Stagnation Advisory. Now that's a new one!

Magnolia Park

A view of the Puget Sound looking northwest at the Olympic Mountains from Magnolia Park with a bald eagle in the top right tree:

Looking south at a hazy and slightly askew Mt Rainier:

Seagull Fight Fest

There is some kind of raucous seagull festivity on the roof outside of my window. One of them brought a loaf of bread and the rest are fighting. It's very, um, squawky up here.

Two gulls moving in on the one with the bread:

Fight with hissing:

This is actually quite fascinating. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


This whole 44 degrees thing (minus windchill) is not cool. Yet somehow people still go to the outdoor mall villages. Most of the malls out here are outdoors, which is nice in the summer. Must be a west coast thing.

Sipping my extra hot caramel macchiato...

Monday, November 23, 2015

Lowland Snow

It's a long shot, but there could be some snow in the lowland areas tonight/tomorrow am. Yes, I get excited about the possibly of snow. It has been a while! I think I haven't seen snow since last December in PA...

Saturday, November 21, 2015


Today I drove up to Edmonds! 

Cute little village of a town with little shops, restaurants, a holiday market and a ferry. 

Olympic Mountains/ the peninsula in the background, above.

Waterfront Cafe w cafe vita coffee near the ferry terminal.

The center of downtown, above 

Very walkable. There's even an art supply store :)

Red Twig restaurant with nice outdoor seating. It's 44 degrees so it's a little too chilly for that right now!

I've fallen in love with the Edmonds Bookshop. Could spend hours in there. 


The ferry takes a very long time to unload and load. Like 45 minutes.

Observing the Edmonds -> Kingston ferry terminal 

Clay End

So having just gone to a handful of classes, I have effectively resigned from my wheel pottery class. This morning I liberated my big bag of clay and tools from the studio. I'm really not a fan of the wheel or clay in general though I may try a hand-building class in the future.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


So.... Yeah, I won't be moving to Carnation.

I kind of liked it out there, but with the crazy rain last week apparently Carnation turns into a swamp. Poor little cows!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Friday, November 6, 2015

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Ballard Blocks

In Ballard, people just park in the middle of the street between the lanes. Madness!

Not a Car Person

I got my license plates in the mail! Feels good to be all Washingtonian. Apparently all you need is a Phillips screwdriver to put them on. I did get a very suspicious/suspect look from someone at 8am in the parking lot this morning. Guess it looks sketchy to do that sort of thing.

I also noticed that my front tire looked low so I took my Tiguan to Les Schwab after work today. Apparently I'm an idiot because the front tires are supposed to look low. The engine weight and tilt of an SUV do that. At least they didn't charge me for stupidity :)