
This blog follows my journey from NYC to Seattle through the woods and over the mountains to the west coast I go!

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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Mystery of Broken Brake Lights

So I think I figured out the broken brake light problem.

Many cars here have 1-3 brake lights out. Every morning I drive behind someone with broken brake lights. It's dangerous. And reckless. And inconsiderate.

Back east, you are required to get your car inspected to get those stickers on your wind shield renewed. I think every two years?

But in WA the stickers are on your license plate. And they expire every year. Then you must renew and pay $227 to get new ones. No need to get your car inspected unless it's from before 2009. I'm going to guess that not having to inspect cars means more broken brake lights and people not knowing or caring? Can't get a ticket so who cares, right? 

This makes me wonder what the point is of paying over $200 every year just for shiny new stickers.

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