
This blog follows my journey from NYC to Seattle through the woods and over the mountains to the west coast I go!

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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Morning Car Accident

I was hit by a car this morning while walking to work. It was dark and rainy when it happened at 6am. There was a red light so I began to cross the street when a car turned right on red without looking in my direction. When the car hit me I rolled up over the hood and went flying onto the road. The impact was on my right shoulder and hip. I was able to stand up and walk, but I was definitely in a daze because I was worried about being late to work. There has been a "pins and needles" tingling sensation in my hand since it happened. 

Yes, I got his insurance information.
No, I didn't call the police. 
Yes, I sought medical attention.
No broken bones or obvious external injuries. 
Yes, the right side of my body is sore and will probably bruise.
Yes, I may have nerve damage. 
No, I didn't go to work. I did run off to catch the bus before a coworker I spoke with said that I should turn around and go see a doctor. 

The doctor said that I may have PTSD and I am definitely feeling uneasy about crossing streets now. I do not trust the cars. Why can't this city have a law preventing right on red turns?!

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