
This blog follows my journey from NYC to Seattle through the woods and over the mountains to the west coast I go!

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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Getting Real On the Bus

These two guys from West Seattle--who got on at my stop--started getting really loud on the bus. The bus had to make a short detour so one of the guys yelled to the driver to open the back door. When the driver did not, the guy started yelling that he was "not playin." The door still didn't open so the guy screamed that he needed to get out and was going to open the emergency window. Since he wasn't playin, this guy actually reached over the head of another passenger and pulled that red handle to push the window out. The window didn't fall out. Instead, it was on a hinge to swing open like a doggie door. I have always kind of wondered how those windows worked.

Eventually the bus stopped and the guy got off. 

Another fun bus incident! This guy in the back, right behind wherein was sitting, kept spitting these gross globs right onto the floor of the bus. He must have done this at least 10 times. I could not wait for him to get off. He was wearing Converse...thug disguise? It's pretty gross back here right now. 

A few minutes later the bus pulled over and the driver walked back to deal with the flapping, open window. Pulling the red handle back doesn't close it. Apparently what you have to do is give it a hard push so it swings back to close. Then you can pull the handle back down. 

Okay, now back to Words with friends with Shane and Shawn.

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