
This blog follows my journey from NYC to Seattle through the woods and over the mountains to the west coast I go!

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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Side Notes

David Sedaris is a great audiobook companion on long drives.

Driving through Pennsylvania felt much longer than driving through Montana even though Montana is much larger. Why is that?

There should be a super highway that goes over and bypasses completely Ohio, Illinois, Indiana. 

Chicago needs to get its roadways in order.

Washington is one of the most beautiful states to drive through end to end.

Always drive on the left side of big tractor trailer trucks. I saw one that had on the back two arrows. One pointed to the left and was labeled "pass side" and one pointed to right and was labeled "suicide." Good advice.

At first I thought whoa, 65 mph (in NJ) is fast! Let me get in the center lane. Then by Wyoming I thought, 80 mph is fun in desolate landscapes. And finally, in eastern Washington, I thought, 75 mph feels so slow!

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